Contessa our blacksmoke girl, 9,5 weeks, like outdoors adventures.
Vi har katter hemma och på foder. Vi söker bra fodervärdar max en timmes resa från oss. Se flik för Fodervärdar.

Nordic Vistalavita - Blue tabby

Hello, I trust the whole world and give you a hug!

Hunting Sarabi (Kira Vistula)

Moon cream tabby e 22
Nordic Vistalavita
a 09 24
Blue spotted
with white
Moon Muzuru
e 22 carrier of gold
Cream tabby blotched
Ghost Tail's Contessa "Aska"
Black Smoke (svart silver solid)
Kira Vistula "Sarabi"
Female (the angel)PL
n 24 carrier of golden and possible dilution
Black spotted
We are located in South of Sweden not far from Lund.
Please contact us if you wish to let a siberian cat be a part of your family.
They like to be around you, play with you, be with you, sleep close to you or in your lap. Some of them talks a lot.

Moon cream tabby e22 - 11 weeks

Goya Syberyjska Amba

Kira Vistula "Sarabi" är mycket vacker och milt snäll och vänlig.

Mys med Bengal"systern" Champagne

Sarabi filosoferar genom fönstret

Sleeping Sarabi. Cute girl!

Sarabi relaxing outside in our garden.